24 Hour Live-In Care

Home E Services E 24 Hour Live-In Care

Home is where the heart is, but sometimes with age, illness, or injury, simple household chores and tasks can become a burden. Being able to make the bed, do the laundry, or tidy the house are tasks that often become tiresome and too difficult for seniors to handle by themselves.

However, you don’t need to immediately start looking into alternate living situations—consider InCasa Home Care Live-in Services instead! Live-in caregivers can take care of the housework, daily meal prep, and assist with grocery shopping, among other tasks. We deliver care that is tailored to each client’s needs, helping keep the home clean, safe, and orderly.

By allowing us to come in, your loved one can conserve energy for more important things such as spending time with family and friends. InCasa will help provide seniors the option to stay in the comfort of their own home. This keeps them comfortable, safe, and they can continue making beautiful memories in the place they love most. Keeping your loved one safe is a top priority at InCasa Home Care Edmonton.

Edmonton Home Care

Live-In Care Services include, but are not limited to:

Personal Care

  • Bathing & Grooming
  • Toileting & Incontinence Care
  • Transfers
  • Memory care & Stimulation
  • Eating Assistance
  • Medication Reminders

Meal Preparation

  • Preparing
  • Serving
  • Cleaning up

Light Housekeeping

  • Organizing & Cleaning
  • Dusting
  • Vacuuming & Sweeping
  • Taking out the garbage
  • Watering house plants
  • Washing, folding, & ironing clothes
  • Making the bed